Faith-based Immersion

Epiphisodes brings faith-based stories to life utilizing virtual and augmented reality.

Epiphisodes harnesses spectacular, cutting-edge technology to create awe-inspiring and deeply moving recreations of biblical stories. For both those of faith, as well as those who are in doubt, the experience of “being there”, brings the written word to life in ways that have never been done. 

Affordable and portable, it can be used both at home and by youth ministers at church or retreats. We believe that AR/VR and holographic technologies are the next phase of evangelism. 

The Psychology of Awe

Best described as an overwhelming feeling of amazement for something that is grand, special, or unique, a growing body of research suggests that experiencing awe may lead to a wide range of benefits, from happiness and health to perhaps more unexpected benefits such as generosity, humility, and critical thinking. 

One of the unexpected outcomes of the technology of VR is its capacity to evoke experiences of awe. 


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